So lately I been thinking a little bit, how will you be able to tell if a girl is not worth the trouble of trying to settle down with. and I came up with a few secenrios. You might not agree with some of them but they are just my person opinion, feel free to add your own in the comments or tell me if you disagree with any.

First sign, if she has three or more kids by different men.  I can somewhat understand two but three times, I mean three that’s like three bad choices and its even worst when there is barely an age gap. if the age gap is less then two years its like what the hell you couldn’t wait? The oldest is four middle child is two and the youngest is eight months and they all have different dads. That’s a huge red flag she collecting child support form three different guys and trying to make you number four. Don’t buy into that I’m a different person now and I have matured or the worst one ever I’m a born again christian/virgin. No bitch it don’t work that way ‘scust.

Second sign, when they think about letting their baby father move back in. What? really?!?!? yes I actually expericened this one personally.  Hearing them say well he going to sleep on the couch he don’t sleep with me and we not going to have sex, you don’t have anything to worry about. Like hell I don’t you letting the man you let knock you up lay his head at your place and you want me to believe nothing is going on? Get the F*ck out of here with that BS (GTFOHWTBS), she needs to be drop straight to jumpoff status after even thinking something like that would be cool.

Third sign, Every time you come over she asking you to bring her something to eat. Seriously do you not have anything to eat why do you always ask me to bring something? Its even worst if she is asking for you to bring something for her and her kid(s). This is something that should not be tolerated a once or twice a month ok cool, but every single time you come around! , aww hell naw.

Fourth sign, This kind of ties into the third but when ever you go over there only thing she has to eat is Ramen noodles and a half gallon of milk and a box of store brand cereal. I mean you couldn’t at buy a box of trix or something at least? This is even worst when they have a lot of designer clothes and a nice a car pure sign of poor money management skills.

Fifth sign, she can’t keep her boost mobile phone on or constantly asking if you can pay it for her. Its a boost for crying out loud, their whole business is about having affordable phones. If she can’t manage that how you expect her to be able to contribute to the relationship financially.  Unless you trying to be a sugar daddy then by all means look past the third through fifth signs.