Category: Dating Preference

So lately I been thinking a little bit, how will you be able to tell if a girl is not worth the trouble of trying to settle down with. and I came up with a few secenrios. You might not agree with some of them but they are just my person opinion, feel free to add your own in the comments or tell me if you disagree with any.

First sign, if she has three or more kids by different men.  I can somewhat understand two but three times, I mean three that’s like three bad choices and its even worst when there is barely an age gap. if the age gap is less then two years its like what the hell you couldn’t wait? The oldest is four middle child is two and the youngest is eight months and they all have different dads. That’s a huge red flag she collecting child support form three different guys and trying to make you number four. Don’t buy into that I’m a different person now and I have matured or the worst one ever I’m a born again christian/virgin. No bitch it don’t work that way ‘scust.

Second sign, when they think about letting their baby father move back in. What? really?!?!? yes I actually expericened this one personally.  Hearing them say well he going to sleep on the couch he don’t sleep with me and we not going to have sex, you don’t have anything to worry about. Like hell I don’t you letting the man you let knock you up lay his head at your place and you want me to believe nothing is going on? Get the F*ck out of here with that BS (GTFOHWTBS), she needs to be drop straight to jumpoff status after even thinking something like that would be cool.

Third sign, Every time you come over she asking you to bring her something to eat. Seriously do you not have anything to eat why do you always ask me to bring something? Its even worst if she is asking for you to bring something for her and her kid(s). This is something that should not be tolerated a once or twice a month ok cool, but every single time you come around! , aww hell naw.

Fourth sign, This kind of ties into the third but when ever you go over there only thing she has to eat is Ramen noodles and a half gallon of milk and a box of store brand cereal. I mean you couldn’t at buy a box of trix or something at least? This is even worst when they have a lot of designer clothes and a nice a car pure sign of poor money management skills.

Fifth sign, she can’t keep her boost mobile phone on or constantly asking if you can pay it for her. Its a boost for crying out loud, their whole business is about having affordable phones. If she can’t manage that how you expect her to be able to contribute to the relationship financially.  Unless you trying to be a sugar daddy then by all means look past the third through fifth signs.

How can anybody openly date a porn star? I just can’t do it, no way no how especially a well-known porn star. Now I can certainly see why some guys would want to I mean some of the girls now be looking really good. I am finding myself saying damn if I seen her and public I would definitely try to get to know her.lacey in blue dress if I seen in her (chick to the left) club/bar/lounge or whatever I would approach her if I didn’t know she was getting her face “painted” publicly for a living. PUBLICLY That’s the key word here I know a lot of females who don’t mind letting their boy friend/husband/random guy she met at the bar give them a relaxing facial but when you doing it and for the sole purpose of letting millions of people see it just to make some easy money I can not date you. Sure we can mess around secretly but you being by my side in public is a HUGE no no. You would get treated just like the neighborhood jumpoff that everybody in the neighborhood smashed. I even seen an episode on Murray where a guy was proudly dating one. I even knew who she was and I must admit from the films ole girl had mad skills and she was cute, the guy was very successful and was an executive at some company. I couldn’t began to grasp why he would even consider her there are way more girls he could have chosen from who when filling out an application didn’t put doggy-style for desired position.  I just couldn’t do it but more power to the ones that can I wonder if they are still together?skyy balck and executive boyfriend

“So many guys passed up on me to be with other females all I can say is your lost”  Huh really are you sure about that if I was you I would be wondering why so many guys are passing you up. You think you might the fliest female in the room because all these guys are hitting on you and trying to get your number and the ones that do succeed end up going elsewhere or exiting as soon as they get to know what lies beneath all that beauty. It is so important to work on your personality but so many females fail to see that they think as long as they look good and keep themselves up that guys are just gonna fall for them all the time well, I”m here to say sorry most likely you gonna get is a guy who either A) just wants to sleep with you or B) once he finds out the real you he will just exit stage right. I’m not saying that appearance isn’t important, what am saying is that appearance and personality go hand in hand. Stop trying to blame external factors and  start looking at yourself. I know its hard to do because people don’t like to find faults in themselves and think that they are perfect. But nobody is perfect if you are content with they you are personality wise sooner or later someone will come along and you guys will click but blaming him for not recognizing how amazingly awesome you are and saying he downgrade by not being with you is not the answer.

While surfing on the internetz I came across a message board where they were discussing what qualifications a woman must have in order to be a good partner.  There was a guy on there who was blasting black women who have degrees saying they are stuck up and arrogant because they have a degree and that they shouldn’t base their value on that. I for one couldn’t disagree more with him on the topic. In my encounters it more of they expect more of their man then a woman without a degree. It was obvious that this guy was turned down/ humiliated/ or felt inferior to a black woman with a degree. He kept bringing up how if she makes more money it makes you less of a man and how she would be constantly trying to be the man in the relationship. All through his little rant he kept saying that a woman should focus more on her personality and home caring skills. My experience with woman of color that have degrees is they are usually more well-rounded then the ones without. I would prefer a female who has both a degree and a great personality.

I think his main issue would be if the woman were to make more money what he is making. I for one feel that once you are in a relationship then you guys finances become one rather you share the same bank account or not. Of course you would have more say of what is done with your money then she does and vice versa. But that should not be a reason not to be with someone. I couldn’t careless if she made 3x more than me as long as we are both happy in the relationship.

The way I would rank things as far as importance is concern 1 being the highest:

1. Personality

2. Looks

3. Intelligence

4. Degree

I hate when a female I’m really feeling tells me this, like seriously, do you really think that me having a kid will effect you that much. Me having a kid is not going be a burden on you, what exactly is it that you trying to do that will be hampered by me having a child? I wanted to ask but didn’t want to seem bitter about the situation even through I was. I remember there use to be a time when I wouldn’t talk to a female that had a kid because I didn’t want to deal with the child father or seem as if I was trying to replace the father. But if the father wasn’t around or was dead then I would make an exception but now I’m more like as long as she only has one or two and they by the same guy then its cool, for obvious reasons I hope. Now that I think about it I have dated a few with kids mostly one through. The one with two was probably the best out of lot but she had too many issues with her kids father (really the other kid wasn’t his just found this out a week ago).  But any who can’t stand it when someone say because I have a child they can not date me ugh!